Comino island
–the smallest of the Maltese islands–
Comino is an beautiful island of the Maltese archipelago between the island of Malta and Gozo in the Mediterranean Sea, measuring only 1,35 square miles in area. Named after the plentiful cumin, who is a flowering plant that grows on this island, Comino is thick with wild herbs and flowers, with the entire island classified as a wildlife sanctuary.
The beautiful island of Comino is noted for its tranquility and isolation. It has a permanent population of only four residents. one priest and one policeman commute from the nearby island of Gozo, to render their services to the local population and summertime visitors. The rocky island of Comino is a bird sanctuary too and nature reserve and very few people live there permanently.The peaceful landscape consists of cliffs, two small white beaches, coves and creeks. There are no roads or cars in Comino island, only pathways where can hike or ride a bike. Comino island has only one Malta hotel to offer to visiting tourist which adds to the lovely peaceful charm of Comino.
Comino is just a tiny island, but there are plenty of reasons to pay it a visit. Between Comino and adjacent of Cominotto lie the transparent, cayan of the Blue Lagoon. The Blue Lagoon is one of the best beaches of Maltese islands. The Blue Lagoons is a paradise for relaxing, swimming and scuba diving, and has something to offer for everyone, whether a professional scuba diver, looking to explore the depths or a child learning to use a snorkel in the sadety of warm, shallow waters. Tourist going to Malta on holiday and wishing to visit Comino island or his beautiful Blue Lagoon can easily find transfer from both Malta and Gozo island with one of several boat companies that offer transfers to Comino island. Numerous boat companies run tours of the island from both Malta and Gozo island. In fact, Comino and its Blue Lagoon are so beautiful that film makers used this location in scenes for such productions as the mini-siries "Helen of troy" or the films "Swept Away" (featuring Madonna) and "The Count of Monte Cristo".

When staying in Malta, save at least one morning or afternoon to pay a visit at Blue Lagoon and the island of Comino. During summer, the sun waits for you. Comino island, the smallest of the three Maltese islands, is a great island for people on a day trip and especially those visitors seeking a quite relaxing location to swim or sunbathe or just for reading a book under the sun.
Enjoy some beautiful photos from Comino island and his beautiful Blue Lagoon